
It has been quite some long and hard time.

It kind of occurs to me that every time I become bored I always end up writing even though that bores in some sort of way as well. Or maybe just associate with boredom. Commonplaces like these.
Sometimes I figure that I spend too many moments thinking about autumn 2010. I guess I had not been that much of a new person for quite some time. I imagined myself being free and I found myself being a success. And everything else, like realising everything was about to end and I actually enjoyed every second of it for as long as they lasted. Although I learned a lot of new things at the time. Maybe that was what created the happiness and content inside.
Although summer 2011 was a disaster and I was a dumbass and didn't think clearly. I still wonder if that ever got changed.
It's just all about me, but that doesn't please my mind right now.

Jag är velig och vag
Snälla, vart är ditt fasta tag
Jag har hamnat här bak
Dra mig fram, tillbaks
Under ytan har jag ingen tid kvar
Bara i ljuset högt ovanför
ser jag tillbaka på mig själv
en drunkning i mitt hjärtas hav

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