I've thought around.
I know that is not a correct way to write English, or any other language, but does it really matter?
I'm really beginning to feel lonely, even though it's not the same as being alone. But are you then?
What about the world? It's not a terrible place. It's just human. What if the world was made of glass? What if it was made of nothing but stone? What if it was made of love?
It doesn't really matter, the human kind would've destroyed it anyway. In one way. Not another.
But it doesn't really say that it's not.
Just like talking.
My eyes can't look at you any other way, any other way, any other way.
I just should get out of here but I can't and I don't know anything just believe me for once THERE'S SERIOUSLY SOMETHING INSIDE OF ME THAT HURTS AND DON'T SAY YOU DON'T.
Don't know if I'm the same or not the same, what would YOU call me?
See. I am talking to someone. Like me, I'm being so weird. But then again, what was weird?
- I remember nothing.
I can't understand why I'm even doing this, it's just because there's some kind of hope inside somewhere. In my head? In my soul? In my heart? In my eyes...
Ingenting varar för evigt.
I would fika with you if it would make that loneliness of yours any more temporary
SvaraRaderai would play music with you if the shared notes could tell us exactly why we are so here and there
I would see you in real life if you wanted
I'm not as busy as I act. (The psychologist said people like me can handle three quarters as much as normal people. i want to meet these normal people and handle the fuck out of them.) i definitely have time to see you sometime between writing stressful emails and skipping sfi class and feeling guilty about it
i've met people this way before and it's a thing. someone i consider as one of my best friends i've only met twice in person since meeting them five years ago. i always regret not knowing her better. there's something lacking in written relationships, even though i tend to be a written person.
what do you say (to being for real, we live in the same town för helvette)
also, pretty blog. sorry i don't comment as much on your blog as you do on mine. i'm gonna work on that.
SvaraRaderaYeah, sure. Maybe I do believe you more now, about what you said earlier.. Äsch, don't care about it. I guess I have to find out on my own. It's the only way, actually.
SvaraRaderaYou don't have to, just do what you feel like. I don't wanna be annoying.
Could I just ask you, how much Swedish do you understand when people talk it?
Guess I'm free Friday. Yeah, cause then I won't be a nervvrak either (Holiday finally!)
höstlov! jaaaa. jag förstår ganksa bra... förstås det går bättre om man pratar sakt och tydligt. du får prata vilket språk som helst, well actually just swedish or english if you want me to understand.
SvaraRaderayou are totally not annoying, that's my job.
I'm free friday until 14. and that's good because the essay is due thursday and everything will be wonderful on friday.
That's great, I guess I could skip history class. My teacher loves me anyway, haha.
SvaraRaderaJag slutar 10.05.
You are a teacher's favorite kind of person. me too!
SvaraRaderaoh yeah you go to school during the week! if there's a time not during school hours that works better, that's fine too. I just have this project meeting at 14 on Friday (I don't know how long it will go) but that's all I have going that day. then this weekend i'm pretty busy moving in to my new apartment :)
and next week i'm totally ledigt.
Haha, that's awesome.
SvaraRaderaI don't know about next week, because I'm in Lund from Tuesday-Saturday, and I think I'm gonna have to deal with bags and my sisters stuff on Monday. So, I'd still prefer Friday, if that's ok with you?
Före kl 2 i så fall?
SvaraRaderaYES! TODAY... sorry, I have been restraining myself from going on Blogger because I've had tons of work to do for school.
SvaraRaderahere's my email.
send me an email when you see this. i got a fancy phone so i will get it right away. we can meet whenever (before kl 2).
hopefully we can meet today, i feel bad for not organizing a little better.
and here's my mobilnummer:
send a text if you still want to meet up!