
She is the sad one I'm a clown Charlie Chaplin Eva Braun she learned to smile I bought her friends it was the beginning of the End.

Det är ju som att de vill förstöra min dag någon gång varje dag.
I need company. It's, like, I can't even do one day without it.
Are you protecting me?
Oh, please, protect me instead.

"Look at this there's nothing left to show", she said. She's so damn bored.
"People use me everywhere I go", she said. And nothing more.
"People's lives they're so damn cold, I think I'm gonna go", he said.
But she knows, she knows that he will stay.

Det är en övergångsdag idag, som många gånger förr. I was so scared of those.
But just think of it. And.. Men NEJ. Jag har sett det här så många gånger förut, det är inget att vara medveten om. Man kan inte vara mer medveten om det längre.

"My eyes have been falling and I think they've been taken.
 But maybe this whole thing is misjudged.
 Maybe this place has become just like all the others.
 Or maybe I just don't have a heart tonight.
 Yeah, maybe I just don't have a heart in my body tonight."

Hur kommer det sig att vissa texter man skriver för länge sedan fortfarande är aktuella? Fortfarande känns?
Och om det känns på samma sätt. Är det något då som inte kommer att förändras?
Men det är inte nåt som jag nämner.

"Och du säger: Allt som vi tiger om ska jag riva ner, för i mig finns det någonting som borde va för dig och mig. Och skräcken i båda oss i mig som för dig kan vi dela lite tid, ett människoliv."
Ah, du vet, du vet."

This is still just one of those days. I wonder if I will ever get the comprehension to be able to describe it.
Vi kan ju alltid lära något viktigt av varann.
Jag måste tvätta i morgon bitti kl 7 till 8. Oh My God.
Och tankarna värker som en cancer ibland.

Jag kanske ska läsa något till skolan så att jag gör någon nytta idag.

But it's like I don't even understand whatever happened to life. Everyone I know becomes so mad and get these outbreaks and we can't do anything about it. It's in the air. It's in life. Atmosphere.

oh little girl grab my wrist hard
drink this little girl for the lipstick on your lips
for the lovers I never ever had
but I, I got this thing in my heart and it's itching, yeah
yeah, it's itching like hell
but I'm not into deep movies
I like entertainment in my bed
I'd like you in my bed
oh, it's not so complicated
I'd like you in my bed
and all the books we've read
they are turning into movies in my head
you know all the boys
the boys in our side of town
you know, they would like to play with us
but you know they, they are no fun
they are so fucking ugly and glad
but I, I got this thing in my heart and it's itching
yeah, it's itching like hell
I'm not into deep movies
I like entertaintment in your bed
I'd like you in my bed
it's not too complicated
I'd like you in my bed
and all the books we've read
they are turning into movies in my head
I don't like you, I don't like you
when you try to be like them
no, I don't like you when you try to be like them
I'd like you in my bed
but me, I'm not like the other boys
I don't wanna have a groan
I don't wanna mess around
oh, you know
I'd like you in my bed
and all of those books we've read
they are turning into movies in my head
they are turning into movies
and I don't like you
I don't like you
when you try to be like them
no, I don't like you
when you're out of my bed

-Sleazy Romance

(I'm not a girl, I'm not a boy, I'm fabolous)

Nerver som rör sig i sidled och ut och in och långsamt framåt eller bakåt jag kan inte kontrollera hjulet som finns där någonstans och let the blood flow, let the blood run.

And where was everything when I was thinking about it?

For once I tried to be myself.
I made you scared, I made you cry
So I never tried again.

Men när det inte är så längre. Let it remain and alive.

"Du minns vem du var med förakt, lite hat
och man blir lik sin mor eller far
du har förändrat ditt sätt, suddat ut varje spår
men i själen din,
ja, långt långt in
ekar tonåringens vrål"

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