

I was going to clean my lenses and put them where they belong, but then I realized that I had forgotten to clean the floor, because the cocoa packet fell down from the pantry, and what a luck that Ida isn't here now, because cats die if they eat chocolate. Dogs too, and it's more dangerous for them because they eat so much more than cats.
I'm happy I found my calendar, I've got to make everything clear. I'm going to write down söndagsbrunch next Sunday.
Saw Titanic with my friends last night and it was nice. I don't cry at the same place as before. Now I cry when Rose is sitting in one of those boats and looks up at Jack and the music starts to play and she jumps and they run to eachother, to their place by the stairs. They just know. It's such a scene. Such a love.
And for some reason we started to laugh a lot when everybody was falling down when the boat started to lean, because of something Hanna's friend had said. Not quite as sensitive.
I like my sister's idea of making Spotify playlists named after the date. So that you can go back and remember whatever you were feeling by that time, or what you were doing.
Music says so much about our lives.
Just feelings.
I'm gonna do my homeworks now, just had to digest the food. It wasn't good. I wasn't hungry and I ate too much. Now I'm gonna have a glass of milk. My life is awesome.
Thank you for that.

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